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Thank You
Step 1 of 4


Thank you for your interest in serving at ONE* Church. Safety is a top priority at ONE* so we ask that everyone who is interested in serving or joining one of our teams complete a background check. The background questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, and we recommend that you double check the information you provide for accuracy to make sure there is no delay in processing. If for some reason you are unable to complete the background check questionnaire, please reach out to us at cmelchisedeck@onespokane.com. Thank you, Christel Melchisedeck ONE* Church Operations/Finance Director cmelchisedeck@onespokane.com 509-926-3254

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Applicant Info
PLEASE make sure you are using the most recent version of your browser of choice and please note that our system is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer. And please enter your full legal name as shown on your drivers license.